Brianna Noble
Brianna Noble's work has traditionally focused on their existence in their surroundings, community, and society. Noble's long-term goal in art-making is to, "just paint something pretty".
The work has recently made a change that focuses on the figure in their environment without outside judgment. It is a step toward the goal while also dealing with the everlasting assumptions placed on a Black, skinny, femme body.
Here’s my proof I’m a practicing artist, CURRICULUM VITAE
2017 BFA (painting emphasis), Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
2014 Associates in Arts, Phoenix Community College, Phoenix, AZ
2023 Untraditionally American with Kat Davis, Vision Gallery, Chandler, AZ
2022 If These Walls Could Talk, life drawing set, Museum Exhibition, Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix, AZ
2021 Call us who we left behind, Group Exhibition, Modified Art Gallery, Phoenix, AZ curator: Merryn Alaka
2021-22 Forever Becoming, Museum Exhibition, Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, Scottsdale, AZ
2021 Soul of a Woman, Group Exhibition, Modified Art Gallery, Phoenix, AZ curators: Merryn Alaka and Zhane’l
2020 20th Annual Juried Exhibition, Artlink, Phoenix, AZ
2020 I Art Woman, Group Exhibition, Guadalajara, Jalisco
2019 No Center Line, Group Exhibition, University of Arkansas
2019 To be Determined…, Solo Exhibition, Eye Lounge, Phoenix, AZ
2019 In the Blink of an Eye, Group Exhibition, Eye Lounge, Phoenix, AZ
2019 Americana, Group Exhibition, Modified Arts, Phoenix, AZ curator: Merryn Alaka
2018-19 All Eyes, Group Exhibition, Eye Lounge, Phoenix, AZ
2018 A Vibelane Release Party, Group Exhibition, Lime Studios, Phoenix, AZ
2018 #WIP, Group Exhibition, Eye Lounge, Phoenix, AZ
2018 Just Checking In, Solo Exhibition, Eye Lounge, Phoenix, AZ
2018 Not So Secret Fest, ASU Secret Garden, Tempe, AZ
2018 Starbucks Coffee Company, Phoenix, AZ
2017 Coalesce, Group Exhibition, Harry Wood Gallery, ASU, Tempe, AZ
2017 We Witnessed, Group Exhibition, ASU Gallery 100, Tempe, AZ
2014 Art Wall Walkway, Phoenix Community College, Phoenix, AZ
2022+ Art Handler, Art Solutions and Installations, Scottsdale, AZ
2022 Caldera Arts Residency, Sisters, OR
2021 Vision Artist, Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Arts, Scottsdale, Az
2019-2020 Co-Manager, Wonderspaces Arizona, Scottsdale, AZ
2019 Guide, Wonderspaces Arizona, Scottsdale, AZ
2018-2019 Eye Lounge Member, Eye Lounge- an artist collective, Phoenix, AZ
2018 Leading Community Painting, Starbucks Coffee Company, store #13213, Phoenix, AZ (May 2018)
2017 Teaching “Find Your Inner Picasso”, Christown YMCA, Phoenix, AZ
2021 New American Paintings #156
2020 Twirl Project 2020 1:10
2020 Peregrinos y sus letras
2018 Voyage Phoenix article
Efficient with oil paint and paint mediums
Exhibition installation including lighting, painting, proper usage of large machinery
Calm under pressure
Forklift and scissor lift trained